
Click above for what became the consented plan, plus Transport page.


CARBUNCLEGATE: Rich, Over-Privileged, Out-of-Touch Dreamer, who Meddles in Politics, speaks out on "Do we want High-rise or Medium-rise London Housing?" So does Prince.

"Boris Johnson rejects Prince Charles's answer
to London's housing crisis"

Link to Evening Standard

"Prince Charles’s vision of more 'mid-rise' mansion blocks and Victorian-style streets and squares, to help solve London’s housing crisis was roundly rejected by Boris Johnson today.

"The Mayor said it would be 'absolutely crazy' to rule out building more towers, as the heir to the throne had suggested, when they could help accomodate the capital’s booming population.

"The Prince made a dramatic intervention earlier this week with a warning that soaring prices would drive a generation of young people out of the capital. He said buildings of between five and eight storeys are more in keeping with London’s traditions than soaring skyscrapers."

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