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Cycling to Brent Cross? Remember that "Baronets should not be called upon to wear the same cycling uniform as bricklayers"

Link above to 'RoadsWereNotBuiltForCars'
(or to the Famous Five Barnet bloggers)

"In 1878, the uniform of the newly-formed Bicycle Touring Club – forerunner to Cyclists’ Touring Club’ (CTC) – was meant to consist of 'dark green Devonshire serge jacket, knickerbockers, Stanley helmet with small peak, and Cambridge grey stockings'." 

 The British Library holds a copy of CTC’s Uniform rules & regulations, London, 1888. This small pamphlet – coincidentally produced in the ‘Year of Jack the Ripper’ – offers a chance to see and touch what kind of all-wool clothing members of the Cyclists’ Touring Club rode in. 

"Eminently sensibly, the pamphlet remarks that none of the official garb contained cotton. Modern outdoors people know that cotton absorbs and holds sweat, chilling the wearer. 

However, the CTC’s E.R. Shipton, club secretary and who wrote the uniform guide, described the act of perspiring and the advisability of use of wicking fabrics far more prosaically:
"Cotton [is a] material which is a fatal stumbling block to the proper discharge of the bodily functions when undergoing fatigue.”

Now that people are correctly attired...

Link to 'Brent Cyclists'

"There are some allowed cycle routes across the Welsh Harp Open Space, partially in Brent and partially in Barnet. These are pleasant but not all that useful, and indeed are little-used.

"Brent Cyclists wants to see these paths extended and improved so they connect across the Open Space and West Hendon Playing Fields north to south. Ultimately we think a circular route could and should be created around the reservoir, which would be a very attractive leisure facility, and much needed. Currenly, there is nothing like this in NW London - the nearest extended cycle circuit off-road is in Richmond Park.

"The Welsh Harp has a cycling history. It was the site of the first track races in Britain, and the overgrown stadium can still be seen, just west of the north end of the reservoir. It is still marked 'cycle track' on most maps as if it were still in use - sadly, very far from the case!"

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